You don't have to join SVDP in order to help. Your assistance is welcome in the following ways:
- Donate money, food and non-food items. These are collected every Sunday morning.
- Help with packing "baskets" for delivery for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
- Help with delivery of food to families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
- Use the St. Vincent envelopes that are placed in the pews.
If you would like to become a Vincentian but would prefer not to make home visits, there are many other duties that go hand-in-hand with the operation of SVDP.
- Help with bagging groceries for Saturday deliveries.
- Make phone calls to clients to arrange for a Saturday visit.
- Data entry on computer.
- Assisting in the Saturday morning deliveries of fresh picked vegetables to the food bank from a local p patch that actively contributes May thru September
- Secretary tasks like taking minutes at the Tuesday meeting and misc. small tasks throughout the year
- Help with counting the donated items (needed for annual report)
St. Vincent de Paul is open to all – whether you are a teenager or 105. The poor are with us always. The Vincentian is at their service.