Coffee Hour Hospitality
CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) Athletics
Altar Society
Funeral Reception Ministry
Hospitality Ministers
Wine & Cheese Social
Geraldine Mock
Laura Girardot
Suzy Day
Laura Kenney and
Ernie San Miguel
Laura Girardot
Providing refreshments to parishioners and visitors after the Sunday morning Masses
CYO Athletics is sports done a different way – as one community. Individuals and teams strive for greatness in accordance with Gospel values. To develop the whole person, we teach that success is not measured solely by the scoreboard, but by the effort, team play, and fun of the experience.
Keeping the Church beautiful by maintaining flowers, votive candles, and shrines. Special seasonal enhancement of the liturgical environment.
Supporting families who have experienced a loss, coordinating funeral liturgies, providing hospitality for families and visitors after funerals
Welcoming parishioners, visitors, and pilgrims to liturgies and special events
Providing refreshments to parishioners and visitors after the 1st Saturday evening Mass of each month
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion
(Eucharistic Ministers)
Music Events and Choirs
Hospitality Ministers
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Marcela Aguilar
Jolene Lynch
Sara Hanson
Carol Matkin
Laura Kenney and
Ernie San Miguel
Violey David
Serving and assisting at liturgies; opportunities for both children and adults
Assist with distributing Holy Communion at Mass and bringing communion to the homebound
Supporting liturgies and special events with music
Proclaiming the scriptures at liturgies
Welcome and greet parishioners and visitors, at St. Matthew Liturgies. Ensure the preparation and flow of Mass.
10 am Sunday Mass Children are invited to participate in their own Liturgy of the Word and experience the Sunday's readings directed toward them.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Giving Tree (Advent)
Global Outreach
(Honduras Trip)
Knights of Columbus
Jim & Patti Broulette
Pat Olson
Monica Williams
Kevin & Colleen Flanigan
Jackie Hoyt
John Sweeney
Providing Meals for our neighbors in need
click here for more information.
Offering informational referral, spiritual support, food, and some financial assistance to low-income neighbors through home visits
Collecting and providing gifts for local charities during the holiday season
Mission Trip to Honduras and Outreach in orphanage
Adult Faith Formation Opportunities
Catholic Conversations and Christian Initiation into the Catholic Church (RCIA)
1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion Preparation
Engaged Encounter
Marriage Enrichment
Faith Formation Committee
Mariam Abarientos
Mike & Maureen Sloane
Offering a variety of programs to enrich and deepen understanding of the Catholic faith including Bible study & Catholic Conversations
Meeting after 10 a.m. Mass for people who wish to inquire about the Catholic faith and providing faith formation opportunities and preparation for those receiving Sacraments of Initiation
Providing faith formation opportunities and preparation for children receiving Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion
Providing faith formation, fellowship and marriage relationship enhancing education. Open to all in the North Seattle Deanery
Confirmation Preparation
Currently Vacant Position
Providing faith formation preparation for 7th - 12th grade students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation (more info here)
Parents Club
School Commission
School Development
School Principal
Stacy Pretti
Julie Prepotente