Go to the Online Giving login page and click Create New Account.
Login Information
The User ID must be 6-12 characters and contain both letters and numbers (such as smith78). The password you choose must be 8-16 characters and contain letters, numbers and at least one symbol such as !, @, & or *. Do not enter information for the Registration Code as that is for account administrators only.
Personal & Address Information
The e-mail address must be unique. You cannot use the same e-mail address for two different User IDs. Be sure to enter information in all boxes.
Payment Information
You can add multiple payment methods with your preferred Bank Accounts and/or Credit Cards.
Setting Up Your First Gift
The setup wizard then guides you through the process of setting up your first gift. You can select from any of our funds including our Sunday Offering or our regular Second Collections.
Parish Office
If you have additional questions regarding our Online Giving program, please contact the parish office.
(206) 363-6767 ext. 203
To make a stock donation, please use the form below, or call the parish office to get a copy: