An Invitation from the Pastoral Council
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace...
(1 Peter 4:10)
The Pastoral Council is a call to share our talents through consultation around fostering parish community, evaluating accomplishments, and recommendations for directional and strategic planning for the mission of the parish.
This is an invitation to each and every person in the parish. Currently our council has only 8 members and we wish to increase our membership. We want a cross-section of our parish and to have a representation from all Masses. At large membership on the Council is open to all registered members of the Parish who have reached age 16 and are fully initiated Catholics. Please consider if you yourself, or somebody you know, might have something to offer!
The members of the pastoral council will bring their own distinctive gifts and skills to the group.
For instance
...the gift of youth...the gift of experience...the gift of imaginative vision... the gift of making things happen... the gift of analyzing and evaluating... the gift of harmonizing and encouraging... the gift of translating ideas into plans... the gift of bringing the best out of others... the gift of locating resources...
Please ask yourself: What attracts you to being a member of the parish Pastoral Council? What gifts would you bring to the work of the group?
Please consider joining the Pastoral Council at St. Matthew Catholic Church.
For more information contact Fr. Khanh Nguyen: (206) 363-6767