Liturgical Ministers can sign into Ministry Scheduler here.
Click here to view the current schedule.
Altar Server
Altar Servers assist the priest during Sunday Mass and other liturgies. Children 5th grade and up may participate.
Altar Society
Volunteers who care for and beautifying and enhancing the church corresponding with the Liturgical Season. Also, responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens. This includes the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals, and altar linens.
Choir and Musicians
Join together in song, under the talented direction of our choir director. Rehearsals on Wednesday evenings, 7pm in the Church. Sing at Sunday Mass, as your schedule allows. We are also looking for those willing to share their musical talents by playing instruments to accompany the choir and/or cantors. Contact the music coordinator and director, Kelli Hart for more information. (206) 363-6767
Reader who proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other services.
Duties include preparing the altar for Mass and cleaning the altar following Mass. If you are interested in becoming a Sacristan please contact Father via email.
Eucharistic Minister
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound.
Ushers/Hospitality Ministers
Parish volunteers who warmly welcome parishioners as they enter the Church for Mass. Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection. Our Ushers have safety training to ensure that our liturgical environment is safe and welcoming.