Mass Times


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 St. Matthew Catholic Church and School
Church: 206-363-6767   School: 206-362-2785

Season of Service:  To celebrate its 175th anniversary, the Archdiocese of Seattle is calling all of us to volunteer together through the “Season of Service”. From March to May, the goal is to volunteer 175,000 hours to recognize our legacy of faith – and demonstrate our commitment to serving others.

  • On Saturday, March 15, Catholic Community Services Volunteer Services is hosting multiple events in Seattle to help our low-income elderly and disabled neighbors. Visit for more information.

If you plan to volunteer at any of those events posted on the Archdiocese’s website or are currently engaged in volunteer activities that demonstrate service to others, email [email protected]

Partners in the Gospel News

St. Matthew Parish and St. Mark Parish are now Parish Family 12.  Going forward we will work together as one Family United in Faith!

We invite you to visit both parishes for any of the special events that will be announced here or at St. Mark, in both the bulletins and on the web pages.

Please check out the St. Mark website at:

St. Mark parish – A Roman Catholic parish in Shoreline, WA (

Upcoming events:

  • Wine and Cheese Social, March 8th after the 5pm Mass
  • March 12th--Confessions, Stations, and Soup!
  • 5pm Confessions
  • 6pm Stations of the Cross in the Church
  • Soup Supper after in the community center
  • 7:30pm Bible Study in the community center conference room

Liturgical Ministry Training March 29th at 10am to 11am.

  • All current and prospective Liturgical ministers must attend this training. 
  • Training will be in the church after the morning Mass
  • the first 20 minutes will be an overview of how the liturgical ministries intersect with the others in a liturgy, and the theological underpinning of the ministries.
  • the last 40 minutes will be an opportunity to break out into your respective liturgical ministry groups for specific training

St. Matthew Parish Stewardship/Online giving:  Please scan QR code on the right.

Click here for directions on how to get to St. Matthew

Welcome to Mass at St. Matthew!

  • We invite you to join us for Mass on Saturdays at 5pm, and Sundays at 8am and 10am.
  • Monthly, on the 1st Saturday of each month, we invite you to come after the 5pm Mass to our Wine and Cheese Social in the Community Center
  • Weekly, join us for coffee and donuts after the 8am and the 10am Mass, also in the Community Center. 

  • Please self-screen for signs of illness and don't come if you are feeling sick

  • If you are traveling, and unable to join us, please connect to the Archdiocese to view the weekly live stream at: Facebook

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is by appointment only. Please call 206-363-6767 or email [email protected].


For general enquiries: [email protected] 

For enquiries concerning financials: [email protected]

Need assistance?
If you or someone you know needs help from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, please call (206) 767-6449. We can offer help with groceries, rent and utility bills.

Welcome to the Community of Saint Matthew Parish

Located in North Seattle between Lake City Way and I-5, we believe in Jesus Christ and welcome all who seek God’s Grace. Our compassionate community embraces many cultures. Through prayer, liturgy, our ministries and service to others, we cultivate a lifelong journey of faith.

If you are new to Seattle or Saint Matthew Parish, we hope that you will find a home here. Please take some time to Learn More about our parish.

Click here to download and print our Parish Registration Form and mail or bring into the Parish Office at 1240 NE 127th St, Seattle.  If you stop by after office hours, please slip it through the mail slot.

Mass Times

Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8am and 10am

​Daily Mass:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday: 8:45am

Saturday: 4:00pm or by appointment

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